The Confessions of a Deliveryman

The Confessions of a Deliveryman

Thursday 5 January 2012

An Evening With The Deliveryman

Whilst doing a book signing last year I was approached by a member of a local Women's Institute who asked if I would be willing to do a talk about the book. To be honest I hadn't really planned that far ahead but I said yes anyway. Once a performer always a performer!

So over the past few months I've scripted a presentation I can take on the road. It consists of readings from the book, a little bit of philosophy (a look at life from the cab if you will), stories I couldn't include in the book for litigation purposes! Stories from the new book and I'll even touch on my brief acting career and Coronation Street. May even finish with a song or two. Either way you'll get your moneys worth!

If you are interested and would like me to perform please contact me directly here

1 comment:

  1. I have just read this on my Kindle and couldnt put it down , it even went to bed with me each night so I could read more when I woke before going to work . I had tears rolling down my cheeks with laughter and seeing these deliverymen going about their work It brings a smile to my face ! ...... wonder where he's off to ? .............. Highly recommended for a good laugh !
