The Confessions of a Deliveryman

The Confessions of a Deliveryman

Friday 27 April 2012

Volume 2

Due to personel curcumstances I've have decided not to write a volume 2. I've also had to amend the current novel, so whatever you do don't buy it again! I will, however, be writing further novels, so watch this space.

Saturday 21 January 2012


Just wanted to say a big thank you to all those kind souls who have gone out of their way to give me positive feedback on the blog and elsewhere. It's much appreciated. It's nice to know that something I find funny can also be enjoyed by others!

Thursday 5 January 2012

An Evening With The Deliveryman

Whilst doing a book signing last year I was approached by a member of a local Women's Institute who asked if I would be willing to do a talk about the book. To be honest I hadn't really planned that far ahead but I said yes anyway. Once a performer always a performer!

So over the past few months I've scripted a presentation I can take on the road. It consists of readings from the book, a little bit of philosophy (a look at life from the cab if you will), stories I couldn't include in the book for litigation purposes! Stories from the new book and I'll even touch on my brief acting career and Coronation Street. May even finish with a song or two. Either way you'll get your moneys worth!

If you are interested and would like me to perform please contact me directly here

In The Top Hundred Humour Books On Amazon!!!

Since November The Confessions of a Deliveryman has been in the top hundred humour books on Amazon and at one point was in the top twenty for over a month. Last month alone I sold nearly 700 copies. It's all a far cry from when I made the book available digitally back in March where I was selling something like 20 a month. Not sure of the reason for its popularity. Maybe word of mouth or maybe Amazon's 'if you bought this you may also be interested in' had something to do with it. Either way I'm very grateful.

Because of the books success I've decided to write a volume 2. But this time I'll write real stories. Due to the amount of sales a lot of delivery people have contacted me throught the blog asking me to tell their stories.

I've already started the book and all being well I should have it finished and available for the kindle at the end of March.